One of the things you will notice when starting a new flock of layers is that many of the eggs will be extra large and many of those will be double yolked and infertile. My hens have been laying a little over a week and you can see from these photos the difference in the size. The eggs on the right and left are actually normal-size. I'm putting them all in the incubator right now, testing for fertility. Ill keep this site updated as to the hatch rate I'm getting. This is not same with chickens typically. A chicken will start off laying small eggs and they eventually increase in size until they reach their normal size. Every now and again a chicken will lay an extremely large egg but it is not common. FOr some reason, it is much more common in the Coturnix Quail.
You can see how many extra large eggs are in this tray. Some may hatch but many won't. It is the same problem with the extra small eggs. The eggs I ship are as close to a standard size as possible.
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