Tuesday, August 18, 2015

New Feeders and Cage Doors getting installed

Here's a couple of pic's of the feeders I'm making and one with the feeder installed.  I used vinyl gutters (about 7 bucks each) from Lowes and caulked in the endcaps.  I made my last feeders this way and they worked great.  I'll show you the secret to keep the quail from wasting feed when we get to that point

Friday, August 14, 2015

Eggs in the incubator

Finally, got some eggs in the incubator and in 17 days I will have Jumbo Brown Coturnix quail chicks again.  I am pumped!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Free Quail Cage Stand

Picked up two of these plant stands from a big box store when they were finished with them - free!  You always need to have eyes open to "other" uses for things.  I often just walk around a big box store looking at everything and trying to imagine what I could use it for that it was never intended to be used for!  (if that makes sense!!!)

Next I'll be putting the doors in (ordered the spring closers today) and then attaching the cup watering system.  They are made specifically for quail and are a little lighter than those used for chickens or rabbits.  I'll put some pics of those in and some contact info as to where to buy them.  After that I will be making the feeders from vinyl gutter stock.  Used it before and it was great.  I'll also show a secret that was given to me and helped cut my feed loss by at least 20%!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New Facebook group started

In the hopes of spreading the wealth of information available from all of those who raise quail, I've started a FaceBook group where you can post questions, photos and give advice to other quail raisers.  Take advantage of this and help to make it a worthwhile place for us all to go!

Blessings in Christ Jesus,


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Quail Cages Being Built!!

Quail cages are finally going together at the farm.  Got three built today and will build 2 more this weekend.  I will start with 5 cages, each holding 9 hens and 3 cocks.  This should give me around 200 eggs a week to sell.  Not a lot but I'm not a big commercial quail producer.  I am going to produce smaller quantities but have better quality with more attention being paid to living conditions and egg care.  My little building will allow me to grow to about 600 a week and at that time I will build a bigger barn - Lord willing!

It won't be long and I will have everything in place to open for business again.  Once I get going I will produce an updated version of my quail book with new pictures and photos.  This time the E-book will be priced at $10.00. I have been giving the first edition away for many years now but I feel it is only fair that I should be able to reap some payback for the time and money spent to get you quality information on how to raise the jumbo brown coturnix quail. I hope you will agree!  The current version will still be available for $5.00 (paypal) until the new book comes out.

Blessings in Christ Jesus,
